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November 30, 2009

I just realized, “we make friends as we go…we learn a few stuff, we teach a few stuff…As we go on with our life, things change, priorities change, we change and they change…but there are very few of those, who would stay n mean the same to you… and for whom u wud stay and mean the same! I am lucky to have not one, not two but 3 of them and they are lucky to have me too :)” 

This was something I wrote first thing in the morning on Saturday………updated it on facebook…don’t ask me why! 

I wrote I just realized but what I meant by that, its not something new, its not something that I never felt before…but its something that I felt it once again…reassuringly happy 🙂 

I used to feel bad before, if one of my friends [not best friends] say that I don’t know much of them…I used to feel, I should have known them enough and all that…now, I don’t…. its not because I love them less, but its because I should respect their feelings too. 

At college, we make friends, friends for life we say! No matter what, we would say to each other, we will stay together, and whenever you need help, we will stand by you and support you! I don’t know about you guys, but I felt we could stay and keep our promises…and I still feel that! 

There were few friends of mine, who used to try to make me understand that it’s not possible, once we are out, we’ll get on with our own life and forget everything! I never agreed and I would never agree! Nothing wrong on their side, I suppose, its just the perspective…for me, if you think you cant, you never will!! It’s about understanding and respecting each other’s space and priorities…and it’s about security that no matter what you would stay n mean the same for them…. 

 Two reasons, one, I never believed in that…two, I have proof now that we wont! It’s been 2 years since we left college and my 3 best friends are the same to me still! We live in 3 different time zones; we don’t speak that often now since we are too busy with work and everything…but touchwood, we exactly know how each others life is! We never missed an important and essential phone call and we are all always there to share happiness when one achieves something, and frustration when one of us is having tough time at office. In 2yrs time, we would be married, and step into an all new world………I am sure, however, we will give each other space and time to settle down…but we will stay with each other and share the same feeling…I am sure the other 3 agree 100% with me and have the same if not more confidence! 

I feel, all this is because we understand each other very well…we have a similar background and up bringing and at the end of the day, we all respect parents and they are most valuable than anyone else in life…So we would not feel bad that one of us dint do something because she had something sudden [not necessarily imp] at home! We would surely ask her to compensate for it but never take it as a serious stuff and nag her. We all are completely different from each other personality wise, but we respect those differences!! We know as we move ahead with life, each one of us will face different circumstances, we surely share that with each other to make everyone aware of how is it in that part of world!


This post is dedicated to those 3 friends of my life – renu, sam and plava…and of course myself 🙂 for being

1)       Such an awesome foursome

2)      For teaching one another how to be more accepting, loving and respectful

3)      For learning how to respect differences and how to see the similarities

4)      For being happy souls and for inspiring others to be happy

5)      For making each other believe in oneself and allow to grow into the persons we are now!

6)      For just being there!


Love You Loads!

Yours lovingly,

Ramya 🙂


Oh don’t go away that soon…I have more to say…as I updated this status message, I soon got a comment saying “ Ramya, hand raised”. There I sat thinking, oh yeah! How could I miss?

 Yes, I am more blessed than you think I am…There are 3 more friends in my life, whom I considered as friends when I did not know how to spell it. 12 years passed before we spoke to one another again …… lost and found like we joke…. I remembered them very well all through these years but not once did I expect them to find me again searching! I was sooo glad and jumping with joy when I saw the scrap…. one more reason to love orkut: P

And here I am, feeling more blessed, feeling happier and feeling luckier to have my childhood friends back 🙂 Thank you, Jay, Vinay and Anila 🙂 

This is a post of celebration of friendship and the true meaning of it 🙂 ……I dedicate it to us 🙂 – me, jay vinay and anila another awesome foursome I say!


Me 🙂

13 Comments leave one →
  1. November 30, 2009 1:37 pm

    Sahaja, I agree with you about friendship. I have friends from different times in my life, from primary school, secondary school, college, post grad, first job, and from different cities that we lived in. I maintain my relationships with all of them. Not all are best friends, but some are very close and some are a little further away, but we are still good friends. We are in touch. I think one has to make an effort to keep in touch. I firmly believe that if you are a friend, you will keep your friends. If you are selfish, and petty, and possessive, your friends will fly away!

  2. November 30, 2009 4:24 pm

    Nice. I know one of those three friends 😀
    Open air dedication 😀
    And don’t forget to include this in your personal diary 😉
    Keep swinging! 🙂 [Oh,like the girl on the top]

  3. November 30, 2009 4:38 pm

    lovely post 🙂 how are you?? long time no see!

  4. Vinay permalink
    November 30, 2009 6:11 pm

    yayyyyyyyy 🙂
    Back to writing fairyyyyyy???

    Feels so great to reads those words!! I started to read you older posts again..
    I have to comments on all of them.. will do.. will doo..

    do keep writing.. I hope, your every morning starts as saturday morning 🙂
    this blog – Awesome feeling!

  5. Plava permalink
    November 30, 2009 6:19 pm

    I am sad.. I am frustrated…I am busy wid my life….I dont like my “today”…..I juggle myself from imagination to reality…always thinking….life can be better..much better… I close my day….jus walk up to tun the lights off…I see this wonderful piece from one of my dearest friends..

    and I am here..thinking….

    there’s somebody out there who is glad I am her friend
    there’s two more who never complain for whatever I do
    and…there’s you who I can never dare to keep away
    Life is not bad after alll..

    Its great!!! What else can one ask for???

    Love you

  6. Renuka permalink
    November 30, 2009 7:11 pm

    thank you ramya…you already wrote what i i won’t add anything…
    you made me smile today 🙂

  7. Samyuktha permalink
    December 1, 2009 3:14 pm

    True ramya…evry letter of it…seriously…. whatever happens we are always there for each it in diff time it in conditions whn we cant talk much to each other…be it in any case….even when we get married I dont feel anything wud change..may be we would nt be able to talk so frequently..but still nuthing wud change… i believe in this.. I am sure all four of us believe in this….you always make us smile 🙂 .. we are the best 🙂 !!

  8. December 1, 2009 7:01 pm

    Lovely post Sahaja… brings back a lot of memories from my college to my memory and we are little luckier to be in Chennai and meet often.. as you have said…. there won’t be any parting just because we have our life to live and get busy…

    they are there to share our world.. and ready to lend a hand when needed 🙂 🙂

    cheers to your friendship 🙂 🙂

  9. Ankur Pahuja permalink
    December 1, 2009 9:33 pm

    “it’s about security that no matter what you would stay n mean the same for them..”
    That its about feeling of security when it comes to true friends — its about a feeling that they are there even if they are not physically there

    “I am sure, however, we will give each other space and time to settle down…but we will stay with each other and share the same feeling…”
    I am sure too 🙂

    “we all respect parents and they are most valuable than anyone else in life…”
    I want to agree with you

    I believe true friendship or any close relationship is to able to feel it without words being said. To able to stay connected across continents. And as one of your friends commented, it does take genuine desire and effort to stay connected.

    Cheers for you and your friends 🙂

  10. December 2, 2009 11:10 am

    Lovely post indeed! One should treasure these relationships forever!

  11. December 2, 2009 10:44 pm

    Lovely post!

    To friendships!

  12. Nikhila permalink
    December 5, 2009 8:05 pm


    Great said about FRIENDS..


  13. December 7, 2009 11:46 pm

    Wonderful! nothing to add..keep it up! 🙂

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